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Month: August 2016

What You Should Know About Dermal Fillers in San Antonio

Injectable “fillers,” such as synthetic Juvederm or your own fat, can be used to plump the lips, fill in hollow areas of the face, augment the chin, soften fine lines and wrinkles, and even smooth and improve the appearance of facial scars. Dermal fillers can be a great option for those with these aesthetic issues, […]

26, August, 2016admin0 CommentsTags: ,

Neck and Face Lift Points to Consider

Neck-face lift surgery, performed by Dr. Marc Taylor, can help you look rested and refreshed.The results of this type of cosmetic surgery is a more youthful appearance that leaves you feeling much more self-confident. As you begin to age, the effects of years of exposure to stress, UV radiation, and pollution can cause the skin on […]

19, August, 2016admin0 CommentsTags: ,

Fat Grafting History and Uses

Marc T. Taylor, M.D. and the American Society of Plastic Surgery Fat grafting is the surgical process by which fat is transferred from one area of the body to another area. Some physicians call the process fat transfer or fat injections. The surgical goal is to “fill” or augment an area with the fat. The […]


What Is a Smart lipo neck lift?

  Can a Smart lipo neck lift help my double chins and turkey neck? A double chin and turkey neck tends to make you look overweight and frequently older than you really are. Until the advent of the Smart lipo neck lift, the only real solution to this problem was to undergo a surgical neck […]

04, August, 2016admin0 CommentsTags: ,