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Blepharoplasty to Tighten Loose Skin around Your Eyes for summer

Each year Dr. Marc Taylor sees numerous patients who come to him with droopy skin around their eyes in search of a new youthful look. To help with this he offers the latest in blepharoplasty, which is a surgical procedure that involves tightening loose skin around their eyes. This procedure can be used to reduce bags under the eyes and reduce the levels of puffiness that tend to make you look much older than you are or overly tired.

What Blepharoplasty Involves

In order to perform blepharoplasty to reduce the appearance of sagging skin under or above your eyelids, Dr. Taylor will make incisions in the creases above your eyelids or in an inconspicuous area directly under your lower eyelashes. Once the incisions are made, any excess fat, loose muscles, and excess skin can be removed. Sutures are then used to close the incisions, tightening loose skin and restoring a more youthful look to the areas around your eyes.

What Comes Next

Once Dr. Taylor has finished tightening the loose skin around your eyes, you may experience a small amount of swelling and redness in the areas around the incisions. Initially, you may also experience excessive tearing that should fade away after a few days. If you should experience dry eyes, you need to contact Dr. Taylor so that he can prescribe an ointment to help with this problem. It is also possible that you may have blurred vision when using this ointment as well as from the surgery. You may also be sensitive to bright light for the first few days after your blepharoplasty procedure.

Taking Care of Your Incisions

Following the blepharoplasty procedure for tightening loose skin around your eyes, the skin in the area may be tight and sore. You can take over the counter analgesics for the pain and use cold compresses to help reduce any swelling. Dr. Taylor can prescribe an ointment that should be applied to the incisions to help keep them lubricated during the healing process. You should plan to sleep with your head slightly elevated to help reduce swelling and pressure on the sutures until they are removed. If you are ready to learn more about tightening loose skin around the eyes, contact Timeless You of San Antonio and schedule your free initial consultation. During this time, Dr. Taylor will explain the procedure to you and then assess you to see if you are a good candidate. Call us today and let us help you with a new and more useful appearance!
14, July, 2016admin0 Comments

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