What Is a Smart lipo neck lift?
Can a Smart lipo neck lift help my double chins and turkey neck? A double chin and turkey neck tends to make you look overweight and frequently older than you really are. Until the advent of the Smart lipo neck lift, the only real solution to this problem was to undergo a surgical neck lift. Today Dr. Marc Taylor offers the Smart lipo neck lift that can help to reduce small amount of fat pockets and loose skin restoring a more youthful look to your neck without the need for painful surgery.
What Does a Smart lipo of the neck Involve?
With this relatively new procedure, Dr. Taylor utilizes SmartLipo laser liposuction, which is a special laser designed to perform two basic functions. The first function is to dissolve the fat around the neck. The second function is to stimulate the collagen in the overlying skin to help tighten and remove wrinkles. The results of this procedure will continue to improve over the course of the next 6 to 12 weeks. Over this time, you should see significant improvement to the treated areas, without the need for any type of surgical procedure.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
The average laser neck lift treatment takes approximately 1 hour and is considered perfectly safe. Typically, the average patient is able to return to their normal activities within 1 to 2 days. You can expect to have very minor swelling and bruising after the treatment.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Smart lipo neck lift Treatment?
In order to be considered for a Smart lipo neck lift, you should be in reasonably good health and have average body weight for your height and age. You should have body fat deposits that are stubborn and cannot be removed by diet alone.
To learn more about Smart lipo neck lift, contact Dr. Marc T. Taylor for your free initial consultation. Call us at 210-305-5797. During your initial consultation, Dr. Taylor will go over the procedure with you, discuss your options and evaluate whether or not you are a good candidate for this non-surgical neck lift procedure.
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