We know that having surgery is a big decision, especially financially. We work with you to decide on the facial rejuvenation procedure(s) that will help you reach your goals. Below are some cosmetic surgery cost ranges. To obtain the correct cosmetic surgery cost for you, a consult is a simple process that will provide all the information you need.
Even though some individual laser or eyelid surgeries range from $2,500 to $4,500, the majority of our patients wish to discover the benefit from a minimally invasive face lift (A Timeless Lift). The Timeless Lift can be done alone, but to obtain a “bigger bang for the buck,” the majority of our patients wish to have a laser of the face, fat injections, fillers, eyelid surgery, or some other procedure combined with the Timeless Lift.
The cosmetic surgery cost for a face lift or a Timeless Lift vary from $5,900 to over $7,100, depending on whether other procedures are done at the same time.
To help with your decision, we have several options available to you:
Prosper Healthcare Lending is the premier financing company in the healthcare industry to assist with cosmetic surgery cost. Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive with a loan from Prosper Healthcare Lending: