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 Plastic Surgery Financial Options

Plastic surgery financial options are important when considering financing a cosmetic procedure.  Once the consultation is completed and a surgical proposal is obtained the next big questions is what are my Plastic Surgery Financial Options? The best advice to give to anyone looking to finance a plastic surgery procedure  is  "Can I afford the procedure?"  Pushing your finances to the limit is never advised. At your consultation we not only discuss the procedures that Dr. Taylor recommends, give instructions for pre operative  and post operative care, tell you what to expect the day of the procedure, the healing process, but we also discuss  financial options that are available. When it comes to responsible financing, one option may be to start with a smaller procedures first. We will work with you to achieve your goals in a financial responsible way.

The cost and finance page list our current total price for the procedures and will give you an idea of the cost to you for your procedure. This helps  you avoid "sticker shock". Prior to making a financial commitment, stop and consider all your options. Once you’ve made a decision, be sure to you read and understand the fine print of any financing you choose.

An article written by Ralph Miller, dated February 8, 20 18, for Lending Tree, discusses Plastic Surgery Financial Options.  He discusses 7 different ways that you can reach your goals in a financial responsible way. Most of theses Plastic Surgery Financial Options are offered in our practice. The 7 areas he covers are:
  1. Personal Loans
  2. Home Equity Loans (HELOC)
  3. Personal Credit Cards
  4. Medical Credit Cards
  5. Doctor Payment Plans
  6. Retirement Accounts (401 K)
  7. Personal Savings

Learn more at  How to pay for Plastic Surgery from Lending Tree

Visit our Cost and Financing page and see your Plastic Surgery Financial Options.